Webnetic Development

JJ’s Industrial Floors: Website Development

July 26, 2023


JJ's Industrial Floors


Website Design & Development


We were reached out by JJ’s Industrial Floors by a referral and enjoyed providing our services for this project. JJ’s was looking for a branded site for their business as they had no web presence established yet and wanted to get started.

Webnetic was more than happy to provide assistance and we got them started on a one page static site.

Focus on brand

The main focus of this site was to concentrate on website branding as the business was established and just needed to begin their web presence. We provided copy while JJ’s provided us with their images and media that was available. After a consultation we decided to utilize Webflow as our site platform as this would allow to company to scale in the future as well as make easy edits. We decided to stick with a simple modern white-space design. This would allow us to highlight certain aspects of the business while making a sleek difference compared to other competitors.

Features on the website

With the focus being on design, we mainly stuck to our standard principles for site features which included:

  • Simple site navigation
  • Call to actions
  • Business gallery section
  • Basic on-site SEO
  • Contact form
  • Services section
  • Social links
  • Location information
  • Smooth scrolling

Project Images

Project Timeline

This project took two weeks in total to complete. First week was focused on design, wireframes, drafts, copy, and media insertion. For the second week we focused on providing design alterations, image optimization, function testing, and form testing. The project came to a complete success and JJ’s Industrial Flooring was ecstatic about the website design.

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