Webnetic Development

Website Redesign: Phantom Canyon Carpentry

July 26, 2023


Phantom Canyon Carpentry


Website Design & Development


This project consisted of 14 days where we went through different phases of the design process. Starting with a wireframe to show the construction of the new site layout, moving to a website design draft where design revisions could be made, site testing before launch, site launch, and post launch support.

We were able to incorporate many new elements to the design such as solid call to actions, proper use of imaging, linking structure, and responsiveness on all devices.

Providing a Modernized Look

Phantom Canyon Carpentry had been looking for a complete redesign as they had been utilizing the WordPress Twenty-Seventeen theme for the past few years. We ensured to keep the current content from the site and the color scheme as well to continue their current branding.

We also provided optimizations for their scheduling as their previous scheduling was causing issues with double booking, We look forward to continue providing support for Phantom Canyon Carpentry in the future!

Features we focused on

Besides on-site construction we also included a number of off-site additions such as:

  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics Reporting
  • Calendly Scheduling Support
  • Zapier Support
  • Domain Support

Project Images

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